K9 Sport TRAINER Backpack Dog Carrier: Medium / Greenery | Medium Dog Backpack

$89.00 $0.00

The Trainer is an affordable, easy to use, entry-level backpack dog carrier. Ideal for smaller breeds, dogs that are still growing, training, and learning to socialize.

This trainer should be used for short, non-strenuous activities like short walks, hikes, bicycle rides, public transportation, and other similar activities. Fits most comfortably on dog owners with a small to medium build. For Dogs Ranging 4-25 lbs (2-13 kgs) Trainer sizing: M 17-20 inches.

Features Lumbar Support Strap - Ventilated Side Panels Wide Base to accommodate your pet and its tail Side Water Bottle Pocket Padded Shoulder Straps Side Cinch Straps Unique color options